chakra one - MULADHARA - foundation

“Here in this body are the sacred rivers, here are the sun and moon, as well as all the pilgrimage places. I have not encountered another temple as blissful as my own body."
-Saraha Doha

Color ~ RED
Sound ~ LAM

Element ~ EARTH
Sense ~ SMELL

Location ~ BASE OF SPINE

Sanskrit ~ MULADHARA (root place)

Principals ~ Basic Survival, Security, Trust, Instinct

Systems ~ Adrenal Glands, Organs of Elimination (Kidney, Skin, Colon), Bones, Legs

Yoga Focus ~ legs, feet, symmetry, contact with earth, mulabhanda or root lock

No tree will last long or reach its greatest heights without strong roots. It is the same with our own bodies. When we start to feel depleted, tense, stressed and unable to reach our peak, it’s time to get out of the head and into our feet.

The foods and activities suggested below are a few of the simple changes that can
bring holistic benefits to our lives.

The 1st Chakra addresses the grounding of the body - the deeper the roots, the higher the branches. By combining the gift of gravity with the benefits of healthy eating and easy elimination, you will lesson your stress, increase your energy and gain an overall sense of support and abundance.

1st Chakra Activities
Walk, hike, garden, connect with nature (lay on ground), drum, yin yoga, foot massage or pedicure, cook from scratch (no microwave), eat in a group, connect with family, de-clutter…


Being rooted is also about smell. Find fragrances that comfort you and pay attention to the deep memory responses that arise from your sense of smell.

1st Chakra Nutrition
By simplifying your diet and eliminating clutter from your body and mind, you can improve your health and increase the joy in your life. Often times we reach for comfort foods to fill a void or to give us a sense of support, but most of these foods interfere with our extended well being. Rather than feeling nurtured, we feel guilty and exhausted.

Foods to add
Root vegetables ~ beets, carrots, potatoes
Whole grains ~ barley, oats, wild rice
Hormone-free proteins ~ free-range chicken & eggs, grass-fed beef, organic milk, cheese & yogurt, nuts
Other ~ acidophilus, psyllium husk and ginger

Foods to avoid
Artificially sweetened foods ~ NO Splenda, Equal, etc.
Processed foods ~ you know the ones!
White foods ~ sugar, flour and white rice

You may also want to let go of adding sweeteners to foods like cereal or to beverages such as tea or coffee. But if you want something sweet, eat it before you drink it! Liquid sugar is the worst, especially if it’s artificial.

In addition to adjusting your diet, try dry skin brushing to support and cleanse your lymph system and acidophilus, fiber and ginger to support and gently cleanse the colon and improve digestion.


What is HOME to you? Is it a sensation or a place?

Can HOME be more than ONE thing?

What is your definition of FAMILY? Extended family? Global family?

What NURTURES you and what/who do you NURTURE?

Describe a TREE.


chakra two - SVADHISTHANA - emotion

"Every perfect action is accompanied by pleasure. By that you can tell that you ought to do it."
- Andrew Gide

Color ~ ORANGE
Sound ~ VAM

Element ~ WATER
Sense ~ TASTE


Sanskrit ~ SVAHISTHANA (Dwelling Place of the Self)

Principals ~ Sexuality, Sensations, Creativity, Relationships

Systems ~ Reproductive Organs,
Hips, Sacrum, Low Back, Body Liquids (blood, tears, urine)

Yoga Focus ~ hip openers, emotional release, psoas, lower abdominals, lunges and opening the lateral body

The 2nd chakra or Svadhisthana connects us to others through feeling, desire, sensation, and movement. Ideally this chakra brings us fluidity and grace, depth of feeling, sexual fulfillment, and the ability to accept change.

The foods and activities suggested below are a few of the simple changes that can bring holistic benefits to our lives.

.2nd Chakra Activities
Artistic, creative and emotional expression, pleasure exploration (e.g. eating, dancing, kissing, sexuality), pregnancy, hot salt baths, swimming, steam room, colon hydrotherapy


2nd Chakra Nutrition
Suppressing emotions can lead to emotional eating. It is important to take pleasure in food without overindulging. Pay attention to taste. Enjoy each bite. Eating can be a sensual as well as a nurturing experience.

Foods to add
Liquids (e.g. detox teas, fresh-squeezed juices, soups and broths)
more water and less salt with a focus on electrolyte balance
steamed vegetables
orange-colored foods

Foods to avoid
all junk food, salty food, highly processed food, fried food
high fructose corn syrup
excessive amounts of caffeine and coffee after 2pm
soda and energy drinks


Do I need to be in CONTROL? Can I let go?

Do I feel and express EMOTIONS easily?

How much time do I devote to simple PLEASURE?

Am I able to GIVE as well as RECEIVE?

“The giving and receiving of pleasure is a need and an ecstasy.”
-Khalil Gibran


chakra three - MANIPURA - transformation

"What is this life flowing in our bodies like fire? What is it? Life is like a hot iron. Ready to pore. Choose the mold and life will burn it."
- Mahabharta

Color ~ YELLOW
Sound ~ RAM

Element ~ FIRE
Sense ~ VISION


Sanskrit ~ MANIPURA (lustrous gem)

Principals ~ Willpower, Immortality, Fame, Freedom, Personal Power

Systems ~ Digestive (intestines, liver, gallbladder, spleen), Muscular

Yoga Focus ~ vigorous flow, warrior poses, twists

Manipura, the 3rd chakra, deals with transformation, motivation and "will power". Manipura is where our life's purpose meets our life force. Knowing our life's inner and outer purpose motivates us and gives guidance to the will of our power. Being empowered, having a healthy ego, self esteem and respect for the other, eliminates the dynamic of winner vs. loser.
When we say "I AM !" as a complete affirmation without a need to add something, we are then able to see the completeness, the "I AM !" in all beings. This way we have full esteem for ourselves and others, our energy will not over power the other, but instead the energy will be free to empower, lighting the spark which starts the fire which is the impetus for transformation.

The foods and activities suggested below are a few of the simple changes that can bring holistic benefits to our lives.

This is the time to address any personal addictive behaviors, including issues you have with food. Seek out programs or people that can help.


Don't be afraid of being too RADICAL ~ ALL of the significant people in history were considered RADICAL in their time (e.g. Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Susan B. Anthony, Albert Einstein, Jesus, Buddha, John Lennon, Eve...)

3rd Chakra Activities
Challenge yourself with vigorous, healthy activities like running, biking and dancing. Try steam therapy or shvitzing (Oy! Sweating is so good for you!)

3rd Chakra Nutrition
Foods to add
complex carbohydrates ~ pastas, breads, cereals, rices
lean proteins and nuts
yellow curry

Foods to avoid
alcohol and other artificial stimulants
caffeine (green and black teas are much healthier for you than coffee)


What percentage of responsibility do I take for my OWN life?

How to I deal with CONFLICT?

Is there always a winner and a loser in a discussion or situation?
How can everyone WIN?

Am I able to say NO when NO is the "right" answer?

"Finding and living in alignment with the inner purpose is the foundation for fulfilling your outer purpose. It is the basis for true success."
-Eckhart Tolle (A New Earth)


chakra four - ANAHATA - compassion

"Only from the heart can you reach the sky."

Color ~ GREEN
Sound ~ YAM

Element ~ AIR
Sense ~ TOUCH


Sanskrit ~ ANAHATA (unstruck sound: where the inner sound or
natural music of the body arises)

Principals ~ Love of Self and Others, Compassion, Forgiveness, Acceptance, Peace, Empathy

Systems ~ Circulation, Respiration, Immune System

Yoga Focus ~ heart openers, pranayama (breathing practices)

The 4th chakra or Anahata, acts as the balance point for all the chakras. It governs our relationships and how we interact with other people. A balanced heart chakra is expressed in acceptance of self and others, personal values and ethics, following one's unique direction in life.

The foods and activities suggested below are a few of the simple changes that can bring holistic benefits to our lives.

4th Chakra Activities
nature hikes, spending time with family and friends, gardening, reading romantic novels or watching romantic movies, candlelight dinners

4th Chakra Nutrition
Foods to add
leafy vegetables (spinach, kale, dandelion greens)
air vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, squash)
spices (basil, parsley, thyme, cilantro)
green teas


Am I able to RECEIVE LOVE as easily as I am able to GIVE it?

Do I GIVE LOVE without expectation for LOVE to be returned equally?

Do I easily FORGIVE myself and others?

"You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affections."


chakra five - VISHUDDHA - communication

"Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize nothing is lacking, the whole world belongs to you."
-Lao Tzu

Sound ~ HAM

Element ~ ETHER (SPACE)


Sanskrit ~ VISHUDDHA (purification)

Principals ~ Creative Expression, Self Knowledge, Faith, Understanding, Truth

Systems ~ Growth, Metabolism

Yoga Focus ~ neck & shoulder stretches, bridge pose, camel pose

The healthfulness of the fifth chakra (or Vishuddha) is in relation to how honestly one expresses oneself. Lying violates the body and spirit. We speak our choices with our voices (throats). All choices we make in our lives have consequences on an energetic level. Even choosing not to make a choice such as in repressing our anger (not speaking out) may manifest into laryngitis. We have all experienced that "lump in our throats" when we are at a crossroad of not knowing how to speak the right words in any given situation, perhaps even stuffing our own emotions. A challenge of the throat chakra is to express ourselves in the most truthful manner.
Through the throat chakra one may speak long-held truths of past hurts and, in the process, find inner peace and a sense of personal freedom. In this way, the throat is a gateway between the mind and body.

The foods and activities suggested below are a few of the simple changes that can bring holistic benefits to our lives.

5th Chakra Activities
singing, chanting, reading out loud

The Invocation Chant
Namah Shivaya Gurave
Saccidananda - Murtaye
Nishprapancaya Shantaya
Niralambaya Tejase
I bow to the goodness within myself,
known as Lord Shiva, who is the true teacher.
This essence inside takes the form of truth,
consciousness and bliss.
Always present and full of peace, this essence inside
is completely free, and sparkles with a divine luster.

5th Chakra Nutrition
Foods to add
Liquids ~ water, fruit juices, herbal teas
Tart or tangy fruits ~ lemons, limes, grapefruit, kiwi
Tree growing fruits ~ apples, pears, plums, peaches, apricots


Do I feel I am HEARD by others?

Do I often stretch the TRUTH purposely or obliviously?

Am I aware of my mind chatter? Do I feel at peace with SILENCE?

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."
-Mother Teresa


chakra six - AJNA - intuition

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."
-Antoine Saint-Exupery

Sound ~ SHAM

Element~ LIGHT


Sanskrit ~ AJNA (beyond wisdom; to command)

Principals ~ Intuition, Spiritual Awareness, Imagination, Clairvoyance

Systems ~ Endocrine System

Yoga Focus: inversions, eye strengthening exercises, mysore (supervised self practice at own pace and level)

The sixth chakra or "third eye" is closely associated with imagination, inner vision, and psychic abilities. It functions as a link between the inner world and the outer world. Malfunctions of the ajna chakra commonly manifest as headaches and eye tension. Resonating this chakra remedies any problems in function and opens the door to a reality separate from the ordinary world.
It is not really our eyes that see, but our minds.
The eyes are merely focal lenses for transcribing information from the outer world to the inner. The most significant aspect of consciousness at the level of the 6th chakra is the development of psychic abilities. Clairvoyance means clear seeing. To be clairvoyant we need to look at relationships, not things; to see the world as a whole and to reach our minds directly and clearly for the information we want. The more clarity we have within ourselves, the better we are able to see the subtle properties of the world around us.

The foods and activities suggested below are a few of the simple changes that can bring holistic benefits to our lives.

6th Chakra Activities
creative visualization
remote viewing (watching others from afar)
lucid dreaming
keeping a dream journal

"The eye sees a thing more clearly in dreams
than in the imagination awake."
-Leonardo da Vinci

A good exercise to develop the visualization capacity of your third eye, while simultaneously helping to balance all your chakras, is to focus on each one of your chakras, filling that part of your body with the appropriate color of light. Begin at the top or the bottom, but proceed in order, and take time with each chakra to fully feel the effects.
Chakra 1 ~ RED
Chakra 2 ~ ORANGE
Chakra 3 ~ YELLOW
Chakra 4 ~ GREEN
Chakra 5 ~ TURQUOISE
Chakra 6 ~ INDIGO
Chakra 7 ~ VIOLET

6th Chakra Nutrition
Blue/purple vegetables and fruits contain cancer-fighting nutrients called phytochemicals. These little color-inducers contain biochemical compounds such as antioxidants and are considered to be beneficial to human health.

Foods to add
dark bluish colored fruits ~ blueberries, blackberries, figs, prunes, plums, grapes
blue/purple colored vegetables ~ eggplant, beets, radishes, purple beans,
red/purple onions, purple potatoes
liquids ~red wines, grape juice, prune juice


Do I often make decisions based my own instincts?

Do I have deja vu experiences? Do these experiences puzzle me or guide me?

When making decisions, do I listen to the opinions of others more than myself?

You are your own true teacher, namaste!

"Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment."
– Lau Tzo


chakra seven - SAHASWARA - enlightenment

“Unity is divinity; purity is enlightenment.”
-Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Color ~ VIOLET or WHITE (all colors combined)
Sound ~ OM


Sanskrit ~ SAHASWARA (thousand-fold)


Principals ~ Universal Consciousness, Spirituality, Harmony, Wisdom, Oneness with the Universe, Understanding

Systems ~ Nervous System

Yoga Focus ~ all meditation poses, the lotus pose, headstands

Sahaswara or 7th chakra is the crowning point of the chakra system. If we manage to open this center during our lives, we have reached the highest state of consciousness one can obtain - where we have actually elevated our consciousness through the bodies of the...
physical (1st to 3rd charkas)
emotional (4th chakra)
mental (5th chakra)
intuitive (6th chakra)
and now, finally the causal (7th chakra), Divine Will for our Life.

The foods and activities suggested below are a few of the simple changes that can bring holistic benefits to our lives.

7th Chakra Activities
head massage
guided imagery
energy work (e.g. reiki)

7th Chakra Nutrition
Foods that open the 7th chakra are foods that generate space.
Any food that brings the element of space into the body enhances the activity of the 7th chakra. As with the 6th chakra, blue/purple vegetables, fruits and beverages are beneficial.
Fasting, up to a point, will also activate the 7th chakra.


Do I feel a strong connection with some kind of higher
or greater power, God, Goddess, spirit?

Do I learn quickly and easily?

Does my life have significant meaning beyond personal gratification?

“When consciousness is released from the thousands of mental, vital, physical vibrations in which it lies buried, there is joy.”
-Sri Aurobindo
